My Vintage Closet – The graphic Mod dress

I’m guess this number is probably an 80’s interpretation of the 60’s.

I saw it a while back and it was one of those moments where I knew it was coming home with me. The dress has been lovingly tended to since coming home as it had gathered a large number of age spots.

All these photos were taken while I was engrossed in a phone call with one of my favourite partners in crime. You know that person who you say things like “I’m having a party” and they go “how big can we go?”… she’s one of those amazing people.

As an aside to that ramble, I got asked the other day if I had come up with a list of attributes that I wanted my partner to have. Apparently this is a reasonably common thing for girls to do… Of course, I haven’t. I sort of did for the people I wanted in my life… I’ve always liked slightly different souls to surround me. And I totally have that now.

As another funny thing… I seriously didn’t know these photos were being taken… it was a surprise in downloading the memory card this morning. This one made me laugh out loud as almost all the time that I am standing about I am now standing on one foot! Ha!

1 thought on “My Vintage Closet – The graphic Mod dress

  1. You looked beautiful, and I hadn’t managed to get any photos of you earlier.

    I know you love photos when you debut a favourite from your closet.

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