We’ve been every where, Man!

Hello from Sunny California! I’m so hip and cool, I’m calling it Cali.

It’s beautiful here and I love it and there’s a bit of me that doesn’t want to come home. It’s compounded by the fact that my beloved business partner hung out with me last week and family this week, so I don’t feel like home is quite so far away.

Some pics!



The desert out of Beatty (roughly 2.5 hours out of Vegas. More stories to come).



The town of Goldfield, Nevadawalkerlake


Walker Lake, Nevada



On the stoop, Echo Park.pacific1The boy bonding with the Pacific.


I’m up something like 1200 pics, more to come!

Suffice to say, everything’s fine 🙂


Around the traps


(My pet cactus in my work space. It’s in a 3 legged tea cup.)

I am going to America next week.

For 5 weeks.

I am in shock that this has happened from a little seed of an idea last September… even further back, really. We always wanted to take the boy to Disneyland when he was ten and then, magically, somehow, it happened. Through the course of the little business, saving hard, a cousin getting married, rollercon and more it became feasible. I remember the first decent market we had last year and I got home and told the spouse that we could actually achieve this far off thing and here we are. Here.We.Are.

The boy wants to eat elephant ear donuts. The spouse wants time to be with his family. I want to be in the desert.





(My Dotter)

It’s daunting, I mean 5 weeks is nothing in the scheme of things, yet this is the first time we’ve travelled for that long. It’s a demanding itinerary filled with theme parks, adventuring, shopping, derby and more. There are road trips and special events, surprises for my boys.


I cannot wait.


In the mean time, though, the little business is hungry to take over the world. We have orders to fill and castles in the air that need a polish. I am so happy with how things are going, I could never have imagined how things could have taken shape like this and I am humbled and grateful for all of the support we have received along the way.

Yes, Here we are.


(Our half of our epic Lounge and garden set up)


Road Trip!!!!!

icecreamWe, Yangsie and I, drove into Sydney after 12 hours on the road. We left Brisbane at 3:30 in the morning with a car loaded up with cactus, yarn, stools, crates and more to make it to the Finders Keepers Markets in Sydney. I don’t think I’ve talked about our little business in blogistan, but there it is.

We arrived into Sydney about 4, where Yangmeister was suitably impressed that I could navigate from North Sydney to Newtown without a map. I was more impressed that we managed to find an amazing gelato shop within walking distance of our uber cools hosts! The cups above held balsamic vinegar strawberries and vanilla gelato as well as a pistachio, rosewater and cardamon one. Amazeballs.


Best Breakfast in Sydney goes to Fleetwood Macchiato in Erskineville. This was AMAZING. Pictured here are my poached eggs on pearl barley with cauliflower, stout jam and chervil. That Stout jam – I asked if I could take some home. Sadly, no. I am so definitely taking the spouse here next time we are in Sydney!

We went on a food pilgrimage after our amazing breakfast – Kakawa chocolates in Darlinghurst, the Potts Point outlet of the Bourke Street bakery, Din Tai Fung in the city and then we just kept walking all the way back to Newtown. After being crammed into the car for the previous day, it was a delight to walk in perfect Sydney Autumn weather and wonder about how the markets might be.

chippendaleChippendale was beautiful, lots of street art, terraces, quirky cafes and sweet stores. I love that Sydney has so many beautiful dogs, edible gardens on the street and quirks around each bend.

And then we went to the markets, sold our wares successfully and came home.

We got lost on a back road to Brisbane, but it was amazing. We went from this densely canopied section of road to this:


It literally had me in giggles of awe. I love being dwarfed by nature and this little corner of the universe certainly had me there.

The trip was incredible – excellent food, company and business are more than enough to keep me happy. I am so very thankful that we had this opportunity and I can’t wait to do something similar in the times to come.


Hanging with this family showed me that I’m a sucker for little people with blues eyes who do not stop moving y’know?



This was one of the warm up shots of the day… yeah, I’m lucky.



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I was aiming for a casual kind of afternoon where I didn’t turn into the crazy perfection hungry photographer. We laughed a lot, I chased kiddoes around, cuddled a baby and we happened to get some photos to mark the arrival of T. All in all, what a great way to spend an Autumn afternoon!


buh buh 3-0

While I was 30 I:

– played 4 games of roller derby
– was in a play
– started a small business
– travelled with my partner and our son
– travelled to Asia with the little one
– fell in love with a pair of chickens and a jerk of a lizard
– successfully aged another year.

There’s a wide variety of loosely formed goals that I have floating in my mind… things that I am actively chasing and things that I am less attached to. I sometimes lose sight of the big things and the little. I don’t care that my birthday is in the morning, either, because every day feels like my birthday. I am treated well by those who love me, loved by those that I care about, am healthy and have love to share with those around me. I may not be the richest (oh heavens, no!) or the tallest or the prettiest or the whateverist, but I am here and happy.
That’s worth a million.

Good bye 30, hello 31, let’s continue the adventure!

From the Island…







We travelled over and through the stunning Cardamon Mountains for 3.5 hours… from Sihanoukville to Koh Kong. We played something like 20 hands of Uno as the bus lurched over the mountains, through blind corners in excess of 60 kph, horn honking every few seconds.

We stopped in a rural bus station, which was so clean and so yummy. The boy purchased a cup of freshly squeezed cane juice on ice for something ridiculous like Australian 25 cents. It was bright tasting, kind of like sunshine. We perused the tasty wares, but he settled on more pringlesque chips, we spotted them in a specialty store the other day and he gleefully pointed them out. Asia memories have quickly become associated with food for him.

We arrived in Koh Kong to a dusty, red soiled shed. Motorbike drivers and a lone tuk tuk were awaiting our arrival. I snagged the Tuk Tuk, quickly purchasing a few gifts at a stall (the only time there was a massive language barrier, but we got through). I’d sorted our accommodation previously and off we choofed!


To this little piece of paradise. That’s the boy setting the chess board up in the shadow of the cardamon mountains. Strangely, the mosquitoes weren’t as bad as I imagined they could be. We got in to Koh Kong at about 1pm and just lounged in the bungalow… watching TV, reading books, conversing with other travellers. It was down time at its best. There was one more fabulous thing…ImageWe spent a lot of time here!

When we woke up in the morning, we swam, had a leisurely breakfast and then caught the Tuk Tuk to the border where we entered Thailand.

Koh Kong has certainly captured my imagination, though. I’d really like to do a hike through Chi Phat and possibly stay at 4 rivers next time we pass through. The boy just wants to go back to this place, impossibly perfect and the most wonderful place to reflect on an incredible week in Cambodia.

I didn’t take many photos in Cambodia, just because it felt like the country hadn’t made the beds before company arrived… I want to go back. The boy wants to go back and that was the aim of this trip, to get the boy excited about travelling. Mission accomplished!


Not working 9-5

Sometimes I try to remember what I do with my day… I’ve always wanted to photograph every hour of the day, but I am seriously bad at remembering! That and my days are pretty jolly quiet at the moment (I am not complaining!).

So today I thought I would just photograph things around me once an hour between the working hours, just because.

9am – Working on this batch of fresh produce – aka making pots.


10am – In the kitchen working on mustard


11am – Finished a monster batch of Sauerkraut and some mustard. This will otherwise be known as part one of out hipstering the hipsters in the name of frugality.


12pm – vacuming


1pm – Tending to the pets. Collecting eggs, feeding, cuddles.


2pm – I happened to disturb dotter in my pottering. She was not amused. I think this is also proof that she’s hacking into the internet for grumpy cat memes:


3pm – after picking the boy up from school, a reconnaisance mission to Bunnings. Returned home with lettuce and hot glue.


4pm – picking up groceries and failing to find a bathing cap (!).


In between there was the normal Friday stuff, tidying, cleaning, trying to get the study together…

Indoctrination begins at school

indoctrination thinking


The boy’s school is participating in a 1-on-1 laptop program with Macbook Airs so Apple indoctrination has begun early for this one. Since it has come into the house it has been loved, constantly. I worry now about how to balance its use with some down time… There has to be balance, right?

In fact, this happened on one of those “break time, tea time” balance attempts.



His hair is long, pretty much too long for school. There is an attempt to grow it long enough so that he can tuck his fringe behind his ear. In the meantime, there is this delicious wave of awesome fringe going across his forehead. How he managed to get hair that simply falls into position is beyond me!!!

Life has resumed a more regular rhythm. Things here are good x

Taking a break from holiday photos to go back in time

Remember how aaaaaages ago I bought a film camera?

I’ve been hoarding my film to be able to get 5+ processing discounts. Well, it happened! The other day I had 6 films processed! It would appear that digital and I may have had a falling out.


These were taken with a Nikon F5, on Fuji Portra 400H. 

They were colour, some I preferred in b+w, though. 




These are all off one film… I’m going to keep sharing the ones I loved from other films, including one shot only a week ago – woot! 

Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh, almost as expected, was the city that I struggled the most with.

Transported from Singapore, we arrived to the city in the early evening. Our passports were taken away, I paid $10 for the boy’s visa, then his passport was given back. I was waved on to another line. My name was called, my passport handed back. $20 for me. Confusing, aye. The boy, normally impeccably behaved, had decided that this was the time where he would spin on the tiles… and spin he did, followed by running around and not listening when I called him over for the customary wave at the camera/fingerprinting/passport part of the trip.

We grabbed our luggage and emerged into the warmth. It was lovely. I love the way that the heat envelopes you after you leave the plane and you begin to wake up and realise that you are somewhere new, different and the adventure has truly begun.

I grabbed a taxi and made a rookie error that I didn’t make again on our trip – I didn’t ask how much the fare would be or negotiate. It was an airport taxi, it should have been a flat $9. I am rubbish at negotiating fares, so thought that going for one of the airport ones I would avoid the trouble… well.

We got stuck in peak hour traffic, the 7km trip took 40 minutes.

It was at one of the first intersections where the most gorgeous little girl knocked on our window and asked for money. I’d prepped the little man that we were not going to give money to children begging… Further up the road, a little boy who couldn’t even see over the door of the car knocked on my window.

Then my taxi driver started taking me on a “tour”, past the independence monument, past the poorest streets, complete with small children urinating onto the “road” on and on, until we got to our hotel and the doubled taxi fare.

*sigh* It was not pretty, dear readers. I quibbled and wavered. I ended up negotiating down, slightly. In retrospect, I should have given him 9 and stormed off to our hotel and let the reception staff deal with him if he’d followed. One word: Sucker. If that had happened at the end of our trip, well, things would have been different.

We carried our bags up the 5 flights of stairs to our top floor room, surveyed the beautiful sunset past Wat Botum and Botum Park and then contemplated dinner. We spotted a playground and made our way there, crossing the roads bravely (no organised crossings, remember!). We meandered, then got hungrier and hit up Suki Soup… It was disastrous as we realised that we had major communication issues, had drunk drinks without establishing if they had filtered water in them, then had no idea how to cook the food.

We ordered off the easy part of the menu and found a bottle of water.

And called it a night. I was questioning why Cambodia, why by myself and with the responsibility of getting the boy to enjoy South East Asia.


Our first full day we went to Phnom Tamao, which will be getting its own picture heavy post. Things really turned around when we went to dinner that night, to be greeted with the royal palace and surrounds to be all lit up with fairy lights. It was extraordinarily beautiful and felt like being in an Eastern Paris. I fell in love with Phnom Penh in that moment.


We hit up the Russian Market, as seen above, purchasing the boy a digital watch with a calculator, a few factory seconds from Osh Kosh, Zara, H+M and Adidas. We toured the silver pagoda, but not the royal palace as the King Father’s body was still lying in State. We went to the Riverside and had dinner and a drink at the Foreign Correspondant’s club.


There is a lot I purposely left out of Phnom Penh and more that I want to explore next time. We avoided the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng, people told me that I would regret it, that I was missing the soul of the country… Next trip, perhaps. We didn’t go to Angkor Wat on this trip, either. Certainly, next time.


We left 3 sleeps after arriving. An early morning trip with a pair of lovely travelling American ladies to the Island. I was sad about leaving the thriving, teeming, changing beautiful mess of Phnom Penh. A complete 360 degree turn around in 2 and a half days. I can’t wait to explore more of the crumbling buildings and see the new surprises when next we return. The city isn’t one of those light ones, you can feel a menace in the shadows. It’s a two faced city – a proud, smiling face for the foreigners and you just know that there is darkness happening in and around you.


I was scared of things going wrong in Phnom Penh – of my passport being stolen, my big camera being taken (hence why so few photos were taken, I didn’t feel comfortable), being separated from my beautiful boy… yet, circumstances didn’t really prompt that. It was all the talk leading up to the trip – people saying how scary Cambodia was, even the guy next to me… and I bought into it, again. Things on our final full day were much more relaxed, until we caught a tuk tuk home after dinner and the driver turned around and said “be careful, Miss” and pointed at my bag on the floor…

The thing is though, I was alert, but never really scared. I keep saying “next time” over and over, I cannot wait to share this city with my partner and see what he thinks of it. I want to explore so much more, but I am so glad that I’ve started the explorations!